Sunday, November 14, 2004
Poor Paul, he is out of commission today. A case of Delhi Belly it seems. Nothing that a little arsenic won’t cure. At least that’s what I found out during the interview with Mike and Ranjana Pandey today. I interviewed Mike Pandey at the Delhi Zoo, by the pelican pond. Sadly, his voice was drowned out by the birds he loves so much. Mike Pandey is an independent filmmaker in India and Ranjana is a puppeteer. The two became fast friends with my parents during the Jamia Project and had some great insight into what they brought to India.
Monday, November 15, 2004
Today we met with Tom Slevin, a PBS filmmaker who hired Dad to direct Bismillah Khan and Satyajit Ray – two films for the Creative Persons series. He had some great insight into Dad’s life. Stories about Dad and his briefcase and some good stuff about Dad’s style of verite.
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
Amjad Ali Khan’s interview was today. Dad made the first documentary film on him. He is a world famous sarod player who has since had many films made about him. After the interview he played for us – and allowed us to record it to use in the film. It will be really amazing. He really thought a lot of Dad.
Later on we went to a place called Shadipur and filmed a great puppet show.
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
We didn’t do any shooting today. We met up with Anees Jung, but she did not want us to videotape her. So we just had a nice visit. We leave tonight at 2:30 AM so we had to get everything packed up to go.
We did manage to go to a place called Humayans Tomb and Lodhi Gardens to get some b-roll of me.
Thursday, November 18, 2004
Damn! We missed our flight. It turns out that it was a 12:30 flight not 2:30. Something gets lost in the translation when files get re-edited into itineraries. So it looks like some new expenditures for missed flights and new tickets. We’ll be trying to catch the next flight at 12:30 tonight.
The extra day here did allow us to go into this ancient Muslim village here in the city.
Friday, November 19, 2004
Finally we’re home – and now we begin on post!